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Both the saddest and scariest part about watching Michael Moore's Oscar-winning activist documentary Bowling for Columbine a decade and a half after it debuted is the fact that absolutely nothing has changed in the meantime. School shootings and other gun-related mass murders still occur on American soil with distressing frequency, and nothing meaningful has been accomplished to stop that trend or even slow it down. Virginia Tech. Pulse nightclub. Las Vegas Village.

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Merely saying the names of these locations will evoke the tragedies that happened at them. After each one, in which children and other innocents are senselessly slaughtered en masse, weak-willed politicians offer their token 'thoughts and prayers,' then bicker amongst each other about their hardline ideologies for a few weeks, hoping to stall long enough for the public uproar to die down until the next one, after which the cycle repeats.

Although he has fallen from prominence and perhaps relevance in recent years, Michael Moore in his prime was the rarest of breeds, a documentarian turned pop culture icon. Through his outstanding debut feature and his brilliant sketch comedy/newsmagazine program TV Nation, Moore proved himself to be a wicked satirist and a good old-fashioned muckraker, unashamed of slinging dirt without fear of offending an apathetic public or being persecuted by political extremists. At his best, he pointed his camera at a target and went after it with the tenacity of a bulldog, never letting up until he had thoroughly ridiculed and humiliated his subject into defeat. For this, he was beloved by critics and demonized by Right-wing talk radio (and the burgeoning Fox News) as an enemy of all things Godly and American.

After 12 students and one teacher were murdered and another 21 people wounded at the Columbine High School massacre, Moore turned his cameras away from his usual targets (politicians and white collar criminals) and decided to try a different approach. Using his skills as a satirist, he toured the country asking why Americans are so obsessed with guns, what makes the United States as a society such a violent culture, and how do other nations around the world with histories even bloodier than our own manage to avoid this predicament? These are serious questions, but Moore explores them with his trademark sly humor, mercilessly making fun of bigots, nutcases, and corporate America whenever the opportunity arises. Nonton film wind and cloud subtitle indonesia. He didn't actually expect to find any answers, and frankly he doesn't, but he knows a good hot-button topic when he sees one and also knows how to milk it for some great material. Bowling for Columbine was a sensation upon its release, taking a major prize at the Cannes Film Festival, becoming the highest-grossing theatrical documentary up to that time, and eventually walking home with the Academy Award for Best Documentary.

For the latter, Moore took the stage to both a standing ovation and vehement booing from various segments of the audience – which was undoubtedly exactly the reaction the mischievous rabble-rouser wanted. In the movie's aftermath, a cottage industry of detractors sprung up, decrying Moore as a big fat evil liar and (worse!) a socialist. Chief among their complaints was the film's climactic interview with screen icon Charlton Heston, who was then president of the National Rifle Association. Moore aggressively questions Heston on camera about his own and his organization's callous behavior in the wake of the Columbine tragedy, even asking if he'd issue a public apology.

Heston, looking frail and confused, walks out without answering. How could Michael Moore be such an insensitive monster, his detractors asked, to treat a poor, senile old man suffering from Alzheimer's Disease in such a way? Has he no decency? This argument has two major flaws: 1) Charlton Heston did not publicly reveal that he was suffering from Alzheimer's until August of 2002, three months after the completed film screened at Cannes, and therefore Moore could not have known about it at the time of the interview. 2) Illness or no, Heston was still serving as president of the NRA at that time and would for another year.

If he was cognitively impaired to the point that he was incapable of handling himself in an interview, then he had no business continuing to act in a leadership role and directing policy for such a powerful and influential organization. Truth be told, Bowling for Columbine is not Moore's best film.