Rumus Isaac Dan Michael Pdf

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Mike Isaac is a technology reporter based in The Times's San Francisco bureau, where he covers Facebook, Uber and Twitter, among other companies​. Previously, Mr. Isaac was a senior editor reporting on social media companies for Re/Code and AllThingsD, and covered the decline and fall of once great technology giants like Hewlett-Packard and BlackBerry as a staff writer for WIRED. He began his career as a music journalist, writing for Paste Magazine and Performer. After attending high school in Fort Worth, Tex., he eventually made his way to the San Francisco Bay Area, where he attended the University of California, Berkeley and graduated with a degree in English Literature​​​.

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Preview Text S_PJKR_0907099_Bibliografi.pdf Text S_PJKR_0907099_Appendix.pdf Restricted to Repository staff only Abstract Kebugaran jasmani untuk tingkat pelajar saat ini masuk ke dalam kategori buruk atau kurang. Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kebugaran jasmani antara lain: umur, jenis kelamin, bentuk tubuh, keadaan kesehatan, berat badan, tidur atau istirahat dan kegiatan jasmani atau fisik.

Ifile cracked ipa free download Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui gambaran tingkat kebugaran jasmani siswa SMA N 9 Bandung secara proporsional dengan karakteristik berat badan yaitu; sangat kurus, kurus, Ideal, kelebihan berat badan, dan obesitas. Jumlah sampel penelitian menggunakan rumus Isaac dan Michael dan teknik sampling menggunakan proportionate stratified random sampling.

Setelah mendapatkan data maka penelitian dilakukan dengan teknik analisis deskripsi persentase. Dari data yang telah dikumpulkan, didapatkan nilai rata-rata kebugaran jasmani kelompok sangat kurus adalah 11,57, kurus 12,33, kelompok Ideal 13,68, kelompok kelebihan berat badan 12,64 dan kelompok obesitas 10,43. Kesimpulannya adalah semua anggota populasi dari Indeks Massa Tubuh Mempunyai nilai kebugaran jasmani dengan kategori kurang. Siswa kelompok berat badan kurang dan kelebihan berat badan mempunyai nilai rata-rata lebih kecil dibanding dengan kelompok siswa berstatus ideal. Kata kunci: Kebugaran Jasmani, Indeks Massa Tubuh Abstract Level of physical fitness for student curently in a bad or less category, the factors that influence physical fitness include: age, gender, somatotipe, state of health, weight and height, sleep or rest and physical activity. This study conducted to describe the level of physical fitness of High School student 9 Bandung with the caracteristics Body Mass Index in proportion: severe thinness, thinness, normal, overweight, obesity.

Rumus Isaac Dan Michael Pdf

The number of research samples using the formula Isaac and Michael and sampling technique used were proprtionate stratified random sampling. After getting the test results of TKJI further research was done by using descriptive analysis percentages, the results of wich have been collected, obtained an average value of physical fitness severe thinness group is 11,57, thinness 12,33, normal 13,68, overweight 12,64, and obesity 10,43. The conclusion is that all members of the population have a Body Mass Index value of physical fitness with the category “less” group of student with underweight and overweight have an average value is smaller than the group of student who have a normal weight Keywords: Physical fitness, Body Mass Index Item Type: Thesis (Other) Uncontrolled Keywords: Kebugaran Jasmani, Indeks Massa Tubuh Subjects: Divisions: Depositing User: Riki N Library ICT Date Deposited: 19 Mar 2014 03:23 Last Modified: 19 Mar 2014 03:23 URI: Actions (login required) View Item.